Full form of PCB is printed circuit board.

It is a non conductive material with conductive lines produced.
Components are generally soldered into PCB.

Types of PCB:

Single sided PCB:
It includes just one layer of base material.
It works most excellent for easy electronics.
It tend to cost less.
Rarely used because of its intrinsic design limitation.

Double sided PCB:
Elements used to attach both sides.
It has two techniques.
Through hole soldering every end to suitable components.
Surface mount has lesser space on board and it can execute more functions at lesser weight and at faster speed.

Multi-layer PCB:
It is very thick and highly compound design.

Rigid PCB:
It is a solid construction.
Mother board within the tower of a computer is an example.

Flex PCB:
It is a flexible board.
They can store heavy or bulky wiring in superior gear like satellite.

Rigid flex PCB:
Merge Rigid and flex circuit.
It can be more compound if design requests demand.

It can fit many components in a minimum amount of space.
It replaced many larger wire.
No need for further inspection.
Inexpensive to mass produced.

Not easy to repair when damaged.
It can produce harmful effect to environment.
It cannot update.
Design is fixed.

Medical devices.
Consumer electronics.
Industrial applications.
Automating and Aerospace.


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