RGB and Primary vs secondary colors

What is Color?
We perceive color just as we perceive taste.
Color nerves see green or red, blue or yellow but not both.

Properties of Color:

Color appearance.

Darkness and lightness of color.
Color is very light high value.
Color is very dark low value.

Brightness or dullness of color.

How Color is formed?
Without light there is no Color.

Made up of energy waves grouped together.

Visible Light:
Short wavelength we perceive blue.
Long wavelength we perceive red.
In between we perceive green.

Primary color:
For light RGB.
For Paint Red, yellow and blue.
For printing cyan, magenta and yellow.

Secondary color:
Color made by mixing two colors.
For light cyan, magenta and yellow.
For paint purple, orange and green.

What is RGB?
Red, Green and Blue.
Added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors.

What is the main purpose of RGB color model?
Sensing, representation and display of images.

What is sensor?
A device that detects and responds to some type of input from physical environment.

What are the input devices for RGB?
Color TV, Video cameras, image scanner and digital cameras.

What are the output devices for RGB?
Computer, phone display, video projector, LED display.

How colors are used to represent?
Each color has 8 bits each integer from 0 to 255.

How many possible colors for RGB?
256 * 256 * 256 = 16,777,216 colors.

How the LED works? 
When the red is set to 0 LED is off.
Red set to 255 LED is turned on.

What is CMYK color?
Cyan, Magenta, yellow and key(black).

How Cyan is formed?
Red = 0, Blue and green = 255.

How Magenta is formed?
Blue and Red = 255, Green = 0.

How Yellow is formed?
Blue = 0, Red and Green = 255.

How Black is formed?
Red, Blue and Green = 0.

Is RGB or CMYK which one is better?
For comparison both are different.
Web purpose RGB is used.
Printing purpose CMYK is used.

Why RGB is not used in Printing?
RGB is created with light.
CMYK oppose light.

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