When was Pixel invented?
Before the invention of Pixel how image can be identified?
What is Pixel?
Picture element.
Tiny area on image when combined with other pixels forms an image.
Calculation of image:
Rows * Columns.
How to know the address of Pixel?
Corresponds to physical co-ordinates.
A pixel p at co-ordinates (x,y) has four neighbors.
Co-ordinates are (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1).
What is the size of Pixel?
Depends on Resolution.
High resolution has less clarity image.
Low resolution has more clarity image.
Describes the dimension of image by width to height.
What is the intensity per Pixel?
Power transmitted to area.
What makes Pixel to be visible?
Red, Green, Blue.
How to know colors of bpp?
2 ^ (bits per pixel).
How to know white color in all the colors?
White is always zero.
How to know black color in bits per pixel?
2 ^ (bits per pixel)-1.
How to know gray color?
It is in between white and black.
For example we have 8 bpp then 127 or 128 is gray.
High color:
Storing image information in computers memory such that each pixel is represented by 2 bytes.
16 bits per pixel = 65,536 colors.
True color:
Storing image information in computers memory such that each pixel is represented by 3 bytes.
24 bits per pixel = 16,777,216 colors.
Sub pixels:
Increase the apparent resolution of computer's LCD display.
Clearly visible.
Liquid crystal display.
Used in Notebook, smaller computer.
Less power.
Mega pixels:
Million pixels.
How many megapixels produce quality image?
16 pixels.
Billion pixels(10 ^ 9).
Pixel art:
Created through the use of software, where images are edited on pixel level.
Pixel Aspect ratio:
Describe dimension of image through width and height.
What is Pixel conversion?
When you create a conversion code in click meter as the results you get at least two outputs a conversion code and a conversion pixel.
Conversion code:
A piece of code you place in thank you page to track conversions.
Tracking pixel:
Conversion pixel.
Image of one pixel that you place in a web page or in an email to track how many times page has been opened or viewed.
Before the invention of Pixel how image can be identified?
What is Pixel?
Picture element.
Tiny area on image when combined with other pixels forms an image.
Calculation of image:
Rows * Columns.
How to know the address of Pixel?
Corresponds to physical co-ordinates.
A pixel p at co-ordinates (x,y) has four neighbors.
Co-ordinates are (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1).
What is the size of Pixel?
Depends on Resolution.
High resolution has less clarity image.
Low resolution has more clarity image.
Describes the dimension of image by width to height.
What is the intensity per Pixel?
Power transmitted to area.
What makes Pixel to be visible?
Red, Green, Blue.
Dots per inch.
Displayed on screen.
Pixels per inch.
Printing purpose.
Bits per pixel:
No of distinct colors can be represented by pixel depends on no of bits per pixel.
1 bit per pixel = 2 colors.
2 bit per pixel = 4 colors.
3 bit per pixel = 8 colors.
2 ^ (bits per pixel).
How to know white color in all the colors?
White is always zero.
How to know black color in bits per pixel?
2 ^ (bits per pixel)-1.
How to know gray color?
It is in between white and black.
For example we have 8 bpp then 127 or 128 is gray.
High color:
Storing image information in computers memory such that each pixel is represented by 2 bytes.
16 bits per pixel = 65,536 colors.
True color:
Storing image information in computers memory such that each pixel is represented by 3 bytes.
24 bits per pixel = 16,777,216 colors.
Sub pixels:
Increase the apparent resolution of computer's LCD display.
Clearly visible.
Liquid crystal display.
Used in Notebook, smaller computer.
Less power.
Mega pixels:
Million pixels.
How many megapixels produce quality image?
16 pixels.
Billion pixels(10 ^ 9).
Pixel art:
Created through the use of software, where images are edited on pixel level.
Pixel Aspect ratio:
Describe dimension of image through width and height.
What is Pixel conversion?
When you create a conversion code in click meter as the results you get at least two outputs a conversion code and a conversion pixel.
Conversion code:
A piece of code you place in thank you page to track conversions.
Tracking pixel:
Conversion pixel.
Image of one pixel that you place in a web page or in an email to track how many times page has been opened or viewed.