Tool panel appears at left of Photoshop.
A small triangle at lower end of tool icon signals the presence of hidden tools.
Zoom tool:
Hand tool:
Move tool:
Brush tool:
Eraser tool:
Crop tool:
Marque tool:
Allows to draw rectangular and elliptical selections.
Sponge tool:
A small triangle at lower end of tool icon signals the presence of hidden tools.
Zoom tool:
Hand tool:
Add text:
Brush tool:
Eraser tool:
Crop tool:
Marque tool:
Allows to draw rectangular and elliptical selections.
Lasso tool:
Used for drawing straight edged segments of a selection border.
Magic wand:
Quick selection tool:
Pen tool:
Eye drop tool:
Color selection.
Spot healing brush tool:
Removes imperfections in your picture.
History brush tool:
Over the portion of image you want to restore.
Paint bucket tool:
Gradient tool:
From options bar, you can also choose type of gradient you want.
Option in Gradient tool.
Blur tool:
Smudge tool:
Effect is much like finger painting.
Dodge tool:
Lighten areas of image.
Burn tool:
Darken areas of image.
Sponge tool:
Rectangular tool: