Provide an easier and usually quicker method of navigating and executing commands in computer software program.

Short keys with description:
Shortkey Description
Ctrl + A Select all contents of page.
Ctrl + B Bold.
Ctrl + C Copy.
Ctrl + D Open the font preference window.
Ctrl + E Aligns text to center.
Ctrl + F Opens the find box.
Ctrl + G Go to tab.
Ctrl + H Find and replace.
Ctrl + I Italic.
Ctrl + J Aligns text to justify type.
Ctrl + K Insert hyperlink.
Ctrl + L Aligns text to left.
Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph.
Ctrl + N Opens the new document.
Ctrl + O Opens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open.
Ctrl + P Print.
Ctrl + Q Remove paragraph formatting.
Ctrl + R Right align.
Ctrl + S Save.
Ctrl + T Creates a hanging indent.
Ctrl + U Underline.
Ctrl + V Paste.
Ctrl + W Close.
Ctrl + X Cut.
Ctrl + Y Redo last action performed.
Ctrl + Z Undo last action performed.
Ctrl + ] Increase size by one point.
Ctrl + [ Decrease size by one point.
Ctrl + shift + > Increase font size.
Ctrl + shift + < Decrease font size.
Ctrl + 0 Add/remove one line space preceding a paragraph.
Ctrl + 1 Single space line.
Ctrl + 2 Double space line.
Ctrl + 5 1.5 space line.
Ctrl + Left arrow Move one word to left.
Ctrl + Right arrow Move one word to right.
Ctrl + up arrow Move one paragraph up.
Ctrl + down arrow Move one paragraph down.
Ctrl + page up Go to top of previous page.
Ctrl + page down Go to top of next page.
Ctrl + home Go to beginning of document.
Ctrl + end Go to end of document.
Ctrl + enter Page break.
Ctrl + delete Delete one word to right.
Ctrl + backspace Delete one word to left.
Ctrl + tab Insert a tab character.
Ctrl + alt + s Copyright symbol.
Ctrl + alt + r Registered trademark symbol.
Ctrl + alt + t Trademark symbol.
Ctrl + alt + m Insert a comment.
Ctrl + alt + i Switch in or out of print preview.

Copyright symbol:
Indicates that the author is owner of work.

Does not guarantee that owner's mark will be protected.

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